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October 25, 2008 |
Hello Issue #007, October 25, 2008. In This Issue...--For All You Homesteading Moms --Fast Emergency Preparation --How to Deal With the Unwanted Houseguest In An Emergency --Self Sufficient Gardening --Organic Container Gardening --How To Find the Right Garden Container --How To Find Homesteaders In Your Area --Tips On Raising The Organic Chicken Lots of great information in this one. So grab that nice cup of herbal tea, kick back and read on!
For All You Homesteading Moms...If you’re a homesteading mom, I bet you don’t do much, right? I mean, I sure don’t.Except… Take care of the baby And now the economy’s getting a bit scary, and you’re thinking you might need to supplement your income. You’ve looked around and your options seem to be: 1. Working at night away from home – and never seeing your husband again. 2. Selling jewelry, cosmetics, cookware or other items at parties – something you hate doing or... 3. Biting the bullet by working away from home and putting your children in daycare. None of those options will work for you. You want to be there for your family, and they need you. So do you have to give up that dream of earning income while still being able to put your family first? Not at all, according to Elizabeth Martyn, Cate Brizzell, Jennifer McVey and Erin Nield. These four wonderful ladies co-wrote an amazing book titled, WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course that shows how you can successfully build a real business on the net. People who surf on the internet are looking for information. If you can produce a content-rich website that not only gives your viewers the information they want, but overdelivers it, your traffic will grow and grow, and produce income as well. Your website will continue to work for you, whether you’re sitting at your computer or not. Imagine earning income while you teach your children, or cook or sleep. What a deal! This great book will show you how it’s done. And best of all, this amazing book is absolutely free! Download it today, and if you like what you read, be sure and send the link to all the stay-at-home moms in your life. This free ebook could be the best Christmas gift any mom could ever have. Click here to download this amazing, free book. Seven Simple Steps You Can Take to Prepare For a DepressionThe economy is on everyone’s minds these days – falling stocks, collapsing businesses and rising unemployment has a lot of people fearful. If you’re worried about the economy, then take action now. Here are seven, easy things you can do right now that will be a boon to you in a time of crisis:Buy Seeds Now For Next Spring The fall is a great time to buy seeds for next spring. You won’t be able to purchase onion sets or seed potatoes, but you can get all sorts of vegetables seeds from seed suppliers at the current prices before they go up in the spring. Order tomato seeds and you can save even more money by starting your own tomatoes indoors. Plant your seeds in peat pots in January or February, depending on the area you live in, and you’ll have loads of tomato plants ready for spring planting. Prepare a Raised Bed And while you’re at it, fall is the perfect time to get your raised beds ready as well. By preparing an easier raised bed, you can have that wonderful compost cooking all winter. By the time spring rolls around, you’ll have fabulous humus ready for planting. Because your compost has been cooking all winter, you’ll have less weeds next summer. If It’s On Sale, Buy Two Or even three or four. Peanut butter, canned tuna, canned vegetables or anything else you eat on a regular basis. Add a little extra money into your budget for sale items. Buy a few extra things each week, keep them in your pantry and then rotate them, using older items first before you use the newer ones. Before you know it, you’ll have a good supply of food on hand for emergencies. Buy Beans And start using them on a regular basis. This lovely little source of protein has gotten a bad rap over the years, thanks to that little ditty, “Beans, beans the musical fruit…” It’s just not fair, because they’re one of the best foods out there, delicious and full of fiber, something we all need. One note of caution, though: They ain’t called the musical fruit for nothing. If you’re not used to eating beans, introduce them gradually into your diet. Because they store well, beans are an excellent food to have on hand and you can’t beat the price so start eating and enjoying them now. Cut Back on Meat Trust me, you really will survive and be far healthier for it. The beef supplied to most supermarkets and fast food places comes from cattle forced to live shoulder-to-shoulder in stockyards with no room to move. They are fed corn – a food that cattle are not meant to eat and which makes them sick. Likewise, chickens raised for fast food and supermarkets are usually raised in small cages or in chicken houses with barely room to move or stretch their wings. These animals are given antibiotics to keep them alive. Those drugs are passed on to you when you eat the meat. If you want meat, keep a few chickens in your backyard or next spring raise a steer on a back acre. In the meantime, you health and your pocketbook will benefit from other protein sources such as tofu, beans or… Buy TVP TVP stands for Texturized Vegetable Protein. It’s an excellent substitute for meat and comes in different flavors, including beef, chicken and bacon flavors. Throw it in your next chili recipe or add it to your spaghetti sauce instead of that unhealthy and expensive ground beef. It’s lower in fat, and delicious. Store Water Water is one of the hardest things to find in an emergency and one of the cheapest things you can acquire right now. The biggest expense will be the containers. Look for five-gallon containers at camper supply places. Your goal is to collect enough water for two gallons per family member for two weeks. If you have a family of five, that means seventy gallons of water or twelve five-gallon containers. Fill them with whatever type of water you normally drink. So What's New?Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Scary things were going on when he said this during his first inaugural address, including the great depression. Whether we will be facing another great depression is yet to be seen, but by preparing now, you don’t have to fear. Here’s some great information to help you prepare.Want to get ready to get ready for an emergency, but you have little time or money, then learn these fast emergency preparation techniques. In an emergency, an unwanted houseguest may come knocking on your door. Here are some words of caution and some advice, should you need to evict him. Want tips to help you grow enough food for you and your family next spring. Learn more about self sufficient gardening. For the Urban Homesteader… Organic container gardening is a boon for the urban homesteader or anyone who dreams of gardening, but has limited space. Here are some tips. By using the right garden container, you can grow vegetables on your balcony, your rooftop or your window. Here are tips on finding the perfect pot for your plants. And For the Lonely Homesteader… Feel like you’re the only one you know who’s excited about growing your own vegetables or putting up your own food? Here are some tips to help you find homesteaders in your area. And finally… Raise an organic chicken or two for your family, and it’s pretty simple. But if you want to raise and sell organic poultry, things get a bit more complicated. Here are some tips. And as always, happy homesteading!
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