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What Does Electrotherapy Do?

What Does Electrotherapy Do

What does electrotherapy do? Look at it as a safer way to manage either temporary or chronic pain.

Continue reading "What Does Electrotherapy Do?"

Why Pine Needle Tea Is a Must Have in Your Preparedness Pantry


Pine needle tea is a must have in your preparedness pantry. It's the best way to eliminate any harmful spike proteins you've been exposed to.

Continue reading "Why Pine Needle Tea Is a Must Have in Your Preparedness Pantry"

Is Sourdough Gluten Free?

Is sourdough gluten free

Is sourdough gluten free? The short answer is no, if you have a several allergy to wheat or gluten, but it is more digestible.

Continue reading "Is Sourdough Gluten Free?"

The Benefits of Taking Vitamin C


The benefits of taking vitamin C including combatting a wide range of illnesses, including Covid and even cancer.

Continue reading "The Benefits of Taking Vitamin C"

What Is Essential Oil and Why You Need It

what is essential oil and how it works

What is essential oil? It's a nanomedicine that can ease inflammation and infection and improve your mood.

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The Dangers of Eating Crickets and Why I Won't Be Eating Bugs


Know the dangers of eating crickets and other insects before following this fad being pushed on us by celebrities.

Continue reading "The Dangers of Eating Crickets and Why I Won't Be Eating Bugs"

Storing Food for Long Term

pantry goods

Storing food for long term provides peace of mind and food security in a disaster. It's also great for saving money.

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What Is Homeopathic Medicine? One of the Safest Medicines Around

What is homeopathic medicine? It's an effective medicine that's been vilified by the medical establishment because of its threat to Big Pharma's pocketbook.

Continue reading "What Is Homeopathic Medicine? One of the Safest Medicines Around"

The Benefits to Fermented Foods

Benefits to Fermented Foods such as sauerkraut, gluten-free sourdough bread and pickled okra

The benefits to fermented foods include improved health and a stronger immune system. It's a tasty was to fight off illness.

Continue reading "The Benefits to Fermented Foods"

Gluten Free Sourdough Bread Recipe for a Satisfying Treat

Gluten free sourdough bread sliced

Try this gluten free sourdough bread recipe. You'll find it's tangy and satisfying without the guilt or bloat.

Continue reading "Gluten Free Sourdough Bread Recipe for a Satisfying Treat"

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